The investment in your course and book are quite possibly the best money I’ve spent in twelve years and tens of thousands of dollars of trying to get well! – Angela J.
If you really want to climb the mountain you have always dreamed of, now is your time! If you want to be able to heal yourself, this is the place! If you are looking for a community to heal with, we are your people! - Angela
It is an amazing journey! It is giving me back hope for life and a future when I believed I did not have one. Taking this course is the best decision I have made for regaining my health! – Brenda
It is empowering to take control of your own healing journey instead of having it in other people’s hands. And because the tools really work and I think once you start to feel that they do work, you will want to look more inward because the answers to so many things are really within us. –Stacey
This course is for you if you want a cool, fun way of learning energy work! It will bring back the sparkle in your life and you will love it! - Jackie
5.0 out of 5 stars
This book is a gift.
By Kay Blackon
May 8, 2017
I bought this when I was at a low point. I have four autoimmune diseases and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity with multiple food intolerances to boot!!. This book enabled me to determine what foods I could or couldn't eat.
This book gave me hope and ultimately saved my life.
Buy it, you won't regret it.
5.0 out of 5 stars
Truly life-changing
By Robin Fon
September 10, 2016
This book is literally changing my life. I've been thinking that all of my health issues were due to food allergies. I've been a strict vegetarian for 28 years and have been gluten-free for the last 3 years. I only eat organic, no processed foods, no fast food - I rarely eat at a restaurant because I'm afraid of what the ingredients could contain. I'm so worried that I'll eat something that will send me into some kind of allergy fit. But what's worse is - I don't know what's good to eat anymore! I've got so many healthy-eating and detox type books on my shelf that contradict each other - "Soy is great for you - No! It is terrible for you. Eat paleo - No! Be vegan. Gluten is killing your gut - No! just eat whole grains! You shouldn't take supplements because you should be getting your nutrients from whole foods - No! Our soils are so depleted that you can't possibly get enough nutrients, so you MUST supplement." I don't know which way to turn, what to eat, when to eat, how much to eat, so much so that I just... don't eat. And I don't feel any better at all, and I have more anxiety about food and my overall health than when I started this journey!
This is where Amy steps in. She has changed my thinking to see that a lot of my health complaints can be resolved by looking inward, but not by what I'm putting in my belly. She has opened up a whole new way of thinking and seeing and feeling that I never really contemplated before.
The book is dogeared and sticky-noted to death because I am always referring to it. I signed up for her course where she has extensive videos on how to actually do the exercises in your book, and through that course I've been invited into a Facebook group full of people like me who are taking control of their own bodies and emotions and beliefs and healing themselves and learning to love themselves and in turn, helping others see that they are amazing and wonderful and deserve to be happy and content, and it just radiates out from there.
I have used her methods to deal with some stuck experiences from my childhood and in recent years with a devastating breakup and I am feeling so much better all around: more hopeful, happier, better able to deal with the feelings of overwhelm and lack and not being good enough. This morning I actually realized I could feel joy and love, which I had closed off inside myself for so long. That was an amazing moment!
I am now using energy healing to address my fear of food and hopefully letting go of all the negative connotations I have towards food, which will then allow my body to take what it needs from whatever I eat and nourish my cells and make me feel stronger again. I have high hopes and nothing but high praise for Amy and her methods.
But you have to understand that you will have to do the work. I went full steam at first, started feeling better, then life got in the way and I got lost again. But I picked it up again and went right back to where I was, and found that recovery was faster this time. I know that I can use these methods for the rest of my life and I trust they will work whenever I need them. Just remember to breathe, remember to tap, and remember we all matter, we just need to believe that!
5.0 out of 5 stars
Unique and empowering approach and uplifting message!
By ginger nelson
January 1, 2016
Amy is the real deal. She has traversed the underworld of chronic illness and emerged healthy and whole. She totally "gets" it and healed herself through hands on self care techniques and by being authentically who she really is. (A key message of this book: be 100% yourself.)
What I love about this book is that she offers simple techniques that anyone can do. And while it may be beneficial to work with a professional at some point on the journey, there truly is so much that we can do to heal ourselves and it doesn't have to be complicated, difficult or "perfect".
This book is not just a one time read, but more of a reference guide which can be referred to again and again as you incorporate the techniques.
It's also refreshing to see how Amy incorporates many different teachings and techniques and I believe that makes her approach more effective.
In addition, she has a great website, FB page and you tube videos to support her work - which is helpful, particularly if energy work is new to you.
Highly recommend for anyone who has "tried everything" or for issues that seem incurable or impossible to heal. Of course, these techniques can be used for anyone and anything if you are willing to be open minded.
Bravo to Amy for encouraging folks to take their healing into their own hands!
5.0 out of 5 stars
"How to Heal Yourself When No One Else Can" is the KEY to unlocking a life full of energy and ease!!
By Aliion
December 31, 2015
Oprah -- I've found your next Book Club Book! Amy Scher has taken the large and sometimes overwhelming world of energy medicine and healing and digested it into a book that is informative, inspiring and usable. This isn't one of those books that will sit on my shelf -- it is one that I will refer to often and already has pages underlined, pages dog-eared and favorite quotes on post-its by my desk. It is a great book to share with friends and discuss together. And -- it is not for people only with a chronic illness -- this book is for EVERYONE to (as Amy says) "Be You, Be Happy, Be Free!" -- who isn't looking for that in their life?
Bottomline: READ this book -- and USE the easy-to-use techniques Amy recommends -- it is the KEY to unlocking a life full of energy and ease!!
My experience with Amy Scher was exceptional. I had never even heard of EFT or thymus tapping or any of the techniques Amy uses, but was very open to trying something outside of traditional therapies and treatments for my issues. Amy was patient and thorough in her explanation of how the methods worked and why. She answered all of my questions and was completely committed to the work we did together. It is extremely important to understand the science behind these modalities, so you can understand how they can work for you. She was able to break the information down into a totally user friendly way, so that I could continue the work on my own, which she encourages for maximum results. Not only is she extremely bright, but she is also incredibly intuitive, which is critical in identifying the issues and then going to work on them without wasting a lot of time. I truly felt I was in a protected and safe haven in her presence, and found her kindness and gentle demeanor a rarity. I can also say with complete confidence that I saw a tremendous amount of progress with my issues in my day to day life, and was completely blown away by some of the things that she uncovered. It was a truly enlightening experience, and as we are all a constant work in progress, it is very reassuring to know I can go back to Amy to work on other issues as they arise. – Kelle
Working with Amy has created substantial shifts in my life. I attempted emotional healing through psychotherapy for over 20-years and I had been through chronic illness and two suicide attempts. It is such a relief to truly be able to resolve issues and move on. Amy makes that possible. She has the utmost integrity and sensitivity. I’m filled with gratitude; happiness, connection and well-being have entered my life. – Danielle
The positive results of energy therapy have exceeded my expectations. I came to Amy to help resolve my persistent digestive problems. Not only have my stomach problems disappeared along with my persistent dizziness, but so did my phobia of speaking in public! I guess they were all related and all the stuck emotional energy we released shifted everything. I hadn’t been able to give a speech in almost 10 years and now can talk in front of people with no problem! I continue to be amazed every time I notice a positive effect on several aspects of my mental and physical health. – Cindy
I left Amy’s office feeling so much lighter, happier, and hopeful for the future. I made more progress with her in one session than I did in 3 years of therapy. – Lance
My doctor recommended me to Amy. She said she really helps a lot of her patients so I was hopeful! The results I got really blew me away though. I had so many issues that were stuck – thyroid, pituaitary, back problems, painful periods – and after doing all the emotional release work, everything started to change. My lab tests even improved! I finally feel like I’m on the right track now and headed back to health. – Liz
I am thrilled to see the shifts in my son since working with Amy! He hasn’t had a long stretch of mostly good days like this since he got sick. More people should really be looking into emotions – what a huge factor. Amy’s work is amazing! – Diane
I felt like I benefited more from my first session with Amy than with all my hypnotherapy work. She has such a presence and a way, an aura almost about her that is calming and reassuring. It’s like I can feel the goodness and healing abilities. I am super happy to be able to work with Amy and get back peace and balance in my life. – Susan
From the first day I started to work with Amy I felt more confident in my ability to resolve my problems. She taught me Emotional Freedom Technique and other energy techniques to help myself. In my case, I have to deal with the sequels of a debilitating disease, so every thing happening to my body is scary. We dealt with that to start with and I started to feel a greater sense of well being, being in possession of my own life rather than putting out fires. The panic attacks and constant fear reduced dramatically after one session and over time, I recovered completely from them. – Dave
I started seeing Amy after not being able to move my neck. This had gone on for three years and I’d tried everything; or so I thought!! Within an hour of working with Amy just on releasing emotional energy from my past, I was able to turn my neck 20% more than when I came in. That was so unexpected and I am so grateful. Amy used something called muscle testing to get answers from my subconscious mind about what was wrapped up in the issues. Thank goodness because they were things I never would have guessed in a million years. –Celeste
I asked to be re-tested for the blood clotting disease that was keeping us from getting pregnant when I came to see you, and my test came back negative! Now this has been known to happen in some cases but my original test results were “high positive” so it’s pretty amazing. It came back the next time too. They want me to test a third time to be sure, but I believe the clearing worked and that test too will be negative! –Michelle
My son witnessed me attempt suicide and developed behavioral problems. He would get angry and yell at his classmates. Children refused to have play dates with him. 10 days after his second session with Amy, he expressed his anger to his mother calmly and clearly. He is happy at school, he walks arm in arm with friends and they’re asking for playmates with him. I am so relieved and he is so happy. Years of therapy couldn’t do what Amy has done for our family. –Nancy
I heard about Amy from my Lyme Disease doctor. I had so many different things going on and had been to so many practitioners that I was sick of it all. Amy is really funny though and kept things so light hearted. It made it easy to look at things from a different way and get to some of the deep stuff that was imbalancing my system. Working with her has really opened my eyes to realizing that the bacteria alone is not causing my symptoms. We’ve been working on clearing energy blockages and I’ve made so much improvement. I feel better and more hopeful and I have so many things I can do to help myself now too. – Ellen
I have Amy working with my teenagers. I swear she is a “teenage whisperer.” Another family friend of ours had sent their son to her too and had great success with not only his attitude, but a physical issue he’s been dealing with. This is not an easy age, but they all love her. She doesn’t talk to them like therapists do and they have learned so much. I’m thrilled they are clearing out their stuff now. I see them all blossoming into who they really are and I know it’s because of this work. – Suzanne
I came to Amy because I heard from several people she’s helped a ton of people with allergies. I could hardly eat anything, but Amy helped me systematically balance my energy system in relationship to each and every food that caused a bad reaction. We worked on emotional energy and it turned out everything was related to past events. I had no idea emotions played such a big part in allergies. We used different techniques for each food allergy and the process wasn’t only successful, but really fascinating too! I wish I hadn’t spent all those years doing acupuncture, NAET, and other things that kept requiring weekly appointments. – Tina
I started working with Amy just a few weeks ago and I cannot even begin to describe the difference for me. I suddenly don’t feel so cut off from the world and all the things I used to worry about, are affecting me less and less. It literally feels like a wall is being taken down that’s allowing me to enjoy my life again. I am so thankful. – Susan
I had severe migraine headaches, usually 2-3 times a week. Amy told me it would take several sessions to rebalance my body, but it turned out that there were only a few trapped emotions related to my problem. We did one session using two different techniques and my migraines literally improved 80% so quickly. I still can’t believe all it was an imbalance in my energy system after all those years of taking medication! – Jim
I went through an event when I was a child that most probably wouldn’t consider traumatic, but it really affected me. It was affecting my marriage and causing me to become rageful in certain situations. I had a few sessions with Amy and it just made the hugest difference! I now don’t get to that place where I “snap” anymore. It truly feels like I’ve released all the emotional tension that would getting triggered for me. I just wish I found energy work sooner! – Susan
I can’t begin to describe the physical changes that have taken place in my body since my first appointment with Amy. I have been virtually pain free in my back and hip since!!!!! The huge knot on my right spine has dissipated and is so much smaller…the inflammation feels like it really went down. I haven’t felt this good in my body in what feels like years. I still have some minor pain and stiffness but I feel a heck of a lot better. – Nancy
I used energy therapy techniques Amy taught me to help with my endometriosis and painful periods. They were so intense that I had to take narcotics every month just to bear the pain, and that still do not work very well. With the techniques I learned, I was able to keep my energy flowing, which in turn helped my period to flow without getting ‘stuck’ which I think was causing the pain. The blood clots became smaller each month and would be less painful to pass. Meanwhile, I worked on emotional issues that might have been contributing. I am now not only off all painkillers, but I feel so much more in control knowing I have a set of ‘tools’ to use during that time of the month. – Cindy
I have a chronic illness and my immune system is constantly under pressure. I did some research and found out how unresolved issues can have a serious impact on your immune system. I found Amy through a friend who was seeing her with great results. We used a few different ways to work on this, but they were all easy! I have noticed an improvement in my level of fatigue and also just how my body reacts to things now that I’ve been doing the energy work. I feel so much healthier overall like I can actually count on my immune system to help me heal now. I can literally feel the lessening of pressure on my immune system and I believe with more work, I can get out of this chronic illness pattern I’ve been in for so long. –Scott
I had great success with Amy using the Emotion Code and EFT. Amy figured out a particular block I had with my father that had resulted in me carrying around resentment for him that was affecting our relationship. Once she identified the issue, she was able to clear the emotion and the resentment disappeared. I was amazed at how powerful these tools are, and how quickly the results follow. I am now enjoying the friendship with my father that I had always wanted, and never thought was possible. – Kelly
For several years I suffered from chronic heartburn, acid reflux, and abdominal bloating to a point that it almost became part of my regular life and I came to see it as normal. I visited several western medicine doctors that never found a reasonable explanation for my suffering and often prescribed anti-acid and IBS drugs. When I spoke to Amy about my problem, she immediately set herself on a quest to find the root energy of my problem. From the very first session, I felt great improvement. I could literally feel the energy shifting within my body as she was working to restore the normal flow of my body’s system. Very patiently, she explained to me the underlining reasons for which my digestive system might not be working as it should be. First of all, she used ‘energy testing’ to find the valve that connects my large intestine with my small intestine was not contracting properly, which caused my intestines to swell, thus pushing my stomach up and out of position. This contributed to my acid problems. Amy used energy techniques to reset this valve and eventually my stomach stopped being as bloated as it regularly was. Besides this, she helped release stuck emotions that were contributing to the problem. It’s been months since I have had to take any anti-acid medications and I don’t have to be afraid to eat foods that I would have never dared to try. Now, before I even consider going to a regular doctor, I try the methods that she taught me as a first resource. – Tatiana
Almost 15 years ago I experienced an unimaginable trauma. Years of therapy helped, but every now and then the memory invades my life and prevents me from living to my fullest. This happened again recently and I asked Amy if she’d help. I had done a little EFT before but wasn’t fully convinced of its benefit. I was willing to try again though with Amy’s guidance. She is amazing. Amy walks you through the process, explaining everything as you go. I always have difficulty recounting this trauma, yet Amy’s openness made me feel comfortable, cared for, and safe. I knew I was going to feel different this time. And I did, even immediately afterwards. Usually after a regular therapy session I would continue to cry and get caught up in the emotion all over again. After working with Amy I felt an incredible sense of calm. It was as if I had really, finally, let the emotions wrapped up in that trauma go. I had never even heard of muscle testing but it really made a difference in quickly finding issues from my past. I recall these experiences but never imagined that the emotional energy from them was still trapped inside. Rediscovering those experiences with Amy and releasing their energy was truly freeing and eye-opening. –Anonymous
Sadly, there have been so many traumatic events in my life that I was overwhelmed with where to start. Amy made me feel so safe and reassured me we would get to them in the order that was best for me. She used muscle testing which allowed me to feel like my body was really guiding the process. I felt connected to everything she did and one by one, we released my past traumas. I cannot even begin to explain what a difference this has made in my career, relationships and my energy levels. – Sam
I came to energy therapy as a bit of a skeptic but Amy Scher has me completely converted. She avoids the stereotypical image you might have of an energy practitioner. She’s extremely down-to-earth, very ‘real’ and in my opinion, one of a kind when it comes to this kind of therapy. I had been involved in a very long and emotionally draining legal battle with an abusive family member and when the date had been set for mediation I knew I had to find a way to prepare myself for the day. Amy worked with me using EFT and other tapping to quickly find and remove many damaging emotions that I had about this family member; and I was able to release many of the issues I’d been carrying since my teens. The mediation was a success, much of which I credit to Amy. She made me feel in control of the situation (and the family member) instead of how I would usually feel, which is intimidated and obliged to give in to their demands. In short, Amy gave me my power back and she made it easy. I am extremely grateful for her help and would highly recommend working with for overcoming any traumatic events in your past that are affecting your life today. – Alex
EFT has helped so much with my anxiety. I no longer feel helpless when I feel an anxiety attack coming on. I can usually calm myself down within a couple of minutes, whereas before, I would spin out of control and have to take anti-anxiety medication. I have also learned to tap into where anxiety might be coming from, so I can dissolve the source and make it less likely to strike in the first place. I think EFT is an invaluable tool and am so thankful to know how to use it on my own in between sessions. –Anonymous
I can’t believe I didn’t find energy therapy before this point in my life. I have tried everything for my issues like procrastinating, self-sabotage and more. Amy really helped me to find where my energetic blocks were, and remove them! I’m seeing such a huge difference in my life. It didn’t happen overnight but layer by layer, we did shift things. I believe releasing emotions from my past was a big part of that. I am so grateful. – Steven, San Francisco, CA
I have always had an intense fear of germs. When I was a teenager, I was actually diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and was on prescription medication. I scrubbed my hands with bleach and was literally terrified of germs. I wouldn’t even touch certain things in my own house without disinfecting them first. Eventually, the side effects of the drugs became too much and I just learned to live with it. I had a session just to try it out as we can always get rid of stuck emotions; but it wasn’t at all intended to be for this problem. It was actually so part of my life that I hardly thought of it as a problem anymore. Amy found several trapped emotions, one of them being terror. She released it from me and I didn’t think much more of it. A week later I was on a plane home from a work trip when I realized that I didn’t use antibacterial wipes to disinfect my whole seating area! I did that religiously every time I traveled, which was many times a year for work. In fact, I didn’t even realize it until halfway through my plane ride home. What I learned is that when you have an emotion unprocessed and still inside of you, you both attract that emotion constantly (the law of attraction), and react strongly to that emotion in every area of your life (as you resonate with it already). My fear of germs was released when the emotion processed out of my body. I feel so much lighter and freer by not carrying this around with me. – Anonymous
My life has been one trauma after another. I came to Amy and wasn’t even sure which of them were the most important events to work on first. She helped me realize that I could make peace with my past and change my body’s reaction to these horrible events. In addition, I learned that sometimes the things that are affecting us the most, aren’t even the big traumas we think of in our lives; they are little things people said or did to us. Amy has a really calming way about her and made the process so easy and sometimes even fun! I feel lighter than I ever have since clearing out all of this old baggage. –Susan
I went to see Amy after being “stuck” for years. It was just this sense of being overwhelmed and lacking in joy. I honestly feel like I slowly came back to life. I started to find more joy in life, connect with others, and just feel safer out in the world. The gift of those few sessions with Amy was the best I ever gave myself. – Sharon
I am so so so so so grateful I found Amy and the work that she does. I have never felt this connected, safe, or hopeful with someone about so many difficult emotional issues I have struggled with since I was a toddler. – Kate
Amy is making a significant difference in the world. I am so grateful to have met her and she has forever changed my life. She inspires me to be a better person and to follow my spiritual path. –Nancy
Amy has a gentle and powerful way of working with her clients, leading them to discoveries about themselves and solutions to many situations. The effects of her work is both immediate and long lasting, her methods are flexible enough to deal with both old and new stresses. I highly recommend her to anyone who wants to develop a path of self discovery and healing. – Jacques
I constantly flew off the handle before working with Amy. Being in my marriage was miserable because I was triggered by everything my husband did. Amy helped me to release the past emotions that were causing me to have this gut reaction every time I felt unsafe or disagreed in my marriage. Not only do I feel so much better, but my husband noticed this shift even after my first session. – Dena
I’ve really enjoyed working with Amy. She is a great listener, highly intuitive, and one of the most compassionate practitioners I’ve worked with. In the short time I’ve known her, she’s already helped me shift in some key areas. All from just a few sessions through her very focused work. I highly recommend working with her if you get the chance! – JR
Finding Amy and learning how to clear emotions led me on a profound path of healing I never thought I would discover! This therapy gets to the roots of all your issues, really allowing your body to heal without anything blocking it. I am eternally grateful to Amy for the help she has provided me and my family on our healing path! – Susan
I feel AMAZING! I have not been this happy in ages! I’m on cloud 9! Not only is my fear and sadness lifted, but I am feeling more positive and confident about my future. I even made it through a 14hr day, which is unheard of for someone with Chronic Fatigue! – Celia
I have Lyme disease, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, you name it… I’ve been working with Amy just a couple of months and I’ve gotten SO much better. I actually have enough energy to do my errands now and not crash for days afterwards. Emotionally, I feel more stable and grounded than I ever had. She also taught me how to use a technique called EFT on my own so I’m not dependent on her in between sessions. It’s really changed my life. – Laurel
After my first session with Amy, I was able to help put the groceries away! Something I have been unable to do for quite some time because of my severe illness. I was shocked to be able to do this since I knew I was “tired” from our session, but it just happened! This is a huge huge improvement for me already. – Ken, Little River, CA
In following sessions we addressed issues more and more profound and I experienced a healing compassion and true love from her. In that sense also she is a true healer. I am looking forward to continue to work with Amy, as she helps me to reconstruct myself the way it should have been done in the first place. I truly recommend her to anyone who is seeking a better life for themselves, and wants to be free from the oppression of outside abuse of any kind. –Marian
Working with Amy has been a tremendous help in identifying and releasing many trapped emotions contributing to layers of fear. Her intuitive abilities have been both accurate and valuable to the healing process. – Melissa
Prior to seeing Amy and since the break-up, I always got mopey driving — that pain in my chest. Driving home last Monday night, I was fine. Never even thought of her. I slept well that night, but did wake up thinking of her and lamenting. I did the tapping in bed then again in the shower and I was past it. I felt really good, and have continued to do so. Done the tapping now and again if I start feeling badly, but overall I’m doing really well. Not having the physical pain really helps give me room to sort through the mental issues. – Jack
My healing has sky rocketed and I am feeling so much better. I actually hold a job and even am building my own business helping women. I have so much in my life now that I could never have had without Amy’s support, love and guidance. I am not in pain all the time and life is beautiful. – Angela
Discover 7 simple ways to start your emotional healing, now ... the no-overwhelm, Amy way!
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