Amy's Approach: The One Simple Rule

Everything about healing comes down to one simple rule I've learned:

You must become who-you-really-are. That means to love, accept and be yourself no matter what. You can't contract your energy for others or for fear or for anything else. No light dimming allowed. When you get to this point of being unapologetically you, your energy will flow, your body will be in full healing mode, and you'll be on your way to miracles. Bonus: Life will also be super fun and a million times easier than it is now.

I truly believe that straying from and separating from your inner being, or who you really are, is the root of discontent in the body. The more you come back to being unapologetically you, the better your life will feel. It's called being "in alignment" (we're talking with who you are and want to be, not with everyone else) and it's more amazing than you can imagine. Yep, it's that simple.

Want to know more? Read on.


“If treating the body alone doesn't resolve the challenge, then the body alone must not be what created it.” – Me


Some snippets of my approach to healing; a tried and true formula

I worked super hard and drove myself super crazy trying to release all my "stuff." The good news is that you most definitely don't have to release it all. And, after healing myself, and now working through thousands of sessions with others, I have this stuff down and am excited to share it with you.

My entire tried-and-true formula for healing is based on just a few things:

You must:

  • Become who you really are.
  • Learn to be easy on yourself, and love yourself.
  • Trust that you can be okay, no matter what.

That's it. The simple, awesome, truth. Next, how you get there ...

  1. Surrender, Accept and Flow

    Being right where you are and being ok with that is part of the healing process. I know it sucks and you're trying to get out, but learning to accept and love yourself in all of your ungraceful glory, is super duper important. Learning to forgive yourself, laugh at yourself, and stop beating yourself up about every little thing, is part of why you're here. Ironically, getting that will help you move forward to the places you want to go. Part of the reason this is key is because constantly fighting where you are wastes energy. "It is what it is" is my very favorite quote to explain this part of healing. To accept doesn't mean you're giving up, but instead seeing things for how they are this very moment -- like it or not. And then, most importantly, shifting your focus to what you DO want, because it will help bring it closer, faster. Being light and gentle with yourself during all of this is ultra-essential because a being that is berated will not easily heal. You know how it feels when other people have done this to you? All the years of trying to unravel the messages you got from parents, teachers, and other relationships? You need to start sending the opposite message of that. I promise, it will make a magical difference in your life.

  2. Identify Blockages

    In order to heal, you must be in 100% alignment with it: this means wanting to heal, feeling deserving of health and happiness, and believing you are able and ready to heal. If at any level there is a block here (this is often in the subconscious mind), it’s going to be an uphill climb and very difficult. I see blocks to healing show up most strongly in those who tell me nothing is working to help them feel better. I believe that every illness or challenge we have, has an upside. How does it keep us safe? How does it serve us? This was the biggest discovery piece in my personal journey toward wellness, and it is for many of my clients too.I'm a natural at discovering why the subconscious might have manifested specific issues. I believe the only way our bodies can tell us what it needs is through symptoms. When this is cleared, much healing can unfold. After releasing these kinds of blocks, again - often subconscious, it's amazing to see how everything can begin to change. And funny thing is, often all the things you've been trying that weren't working? Well, those things start to work too.

  3. Change Your Relationship with Stress

    It's so important to find the emotional energy that is contributing the challenges you're experiencing. If you suffer from physical symptoms, we can very safely assume negative emotional energy is suppressing the immune system via stress. This alone is a huge piece of the healing process. Our internal reactions to old experiences, emotions, and trauma from our lives create a burden on the immune. Stress though is not the problem. Releasing and changing our reactions to trauma and stress that comes from old memories and emotions can have a huge impact on your life. Huge. And when we work on re-building ourselves at a core level, we don't need to be afraid that every little thing will trigger us or cause problems in our lives.

  4. Become the True You: 

    This is my very favorite part of what unfolds during healing - we get to see that you that's been begging to come out! This is the you that's feels light and happy and trusts life. All of this will naturally happen as the layers that have been keeping you stuck are released. This is where you also get to establish new patterns of thought and install positive emotional energy to replace all the yucky stuff you've let go of.

I truly believe that straying from and separating from your inner being, or who you really are, is the root of discontent in the body. The more you come back to being unapologetically you, the better your body can feel. It's called being "in alignment" (we're talking with who you are and want to be, not with everyone else) and it's more amazing than you can imagine. Yep, it's that simple.


Discover 7 simple ways to start your emotional healing, now ... the no-overwhelm, Amy way

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"When life kicks your ass, kick-back." - Amy

As an ordained minister of holistic healing and energy therapy practitioner trained in energy psychology and energy medicine, I work with clients to balance the energies of their body in relationship to traumatic events, limiting beliefs and negative emotions that may be interfering with optimal well-being. I am not a licensed health care professional and my services do not in any way replace the care from health care professionals. My services do not in any way relate to medical and/or psychological clinical treatment and I do not diagnose or treat any diseases or disorders. All information provided on this site is based on my own experience and any of your own explorations with energy work should first be discussed with your licensed healthcare practitioner.