Energy Therapy Techniques

Energy Therapy Techniques

As human beings, we are not one-size-fits-all. This means that you’ll likely not be able to apply one technique to just fix everything right up. That’s ok though because I’ve studied so many techniques, created a few of my own, and am known for figuring out exactly what works best — when, and for who. Phew. I was a tough healing case myself so I’ve discovered lots of useful things I get to share with you.

The majority of the techniques I use fit into a type of energy therapy called energy psychology. Energy psychology addresses the relationship of the human energy system with emotional issues.

Much of the success I have with clients comes not only from the techniques we use, but also knowing what to clear – emotional events, patterns, beliefs, and other blockages that prevent wellbeing. There are so many wonderful and effective techniques out there (I’m sure you know some too!), but also knowing what to apply those techniques to is crucial in seeing positive results.

The Techniques

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or Meridian Tapping

Founded by Gar Craig in the early 90s, EFT combines the principles of acupuncture (without the needles) and talking! It’s a simple and effective tool based on the meridian system, a system of energy pathways in the body, originating in Chinese Medicine thousands of years ago. Where there is an imbalance, there is a corresponding blockage in the flow of energy through the meridian system, which contributes to emotional and physical symptoms. Gently tapping with the fingertip works to release the blockages.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a simple and very effective self-healing tool for releasing emotions.

Read more about EFT here.

How To Use EFT the Simple, Amy Way!


Chakra Tapping

The process of Chakra Tapping using the concept of EFT, was something I created and perfected during my own healing journey. Chakras are energy centers in the body. Emotional patterns and beliefs can prevent the energy from spinning and flowing thus imbalancing the body. Gently tapping on the chakras as we repeat certain statements helps to release these energies and restore balance. This process is similar to Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) above, but we are using different tapping points to affect different energies.

The Sweep

The Sweep is a technique I created to very easily “sweep” energy blockages right on out of the subconscious mind. Using a very special set of phrases that I tested to be most powerful, we’re able to befriend the subconscious mind and offer it the freedom to let go of what no longer serves us. During the process, we are guiding the subconscious mind to choose freedom from (read: letting go of!) specific beliefs and emotions that have been holding us back. It’s a simple meditative script that you repeat while in a relaxed state.

Thymus Test & Tap

This technique is one of my favorites, created by me during my healing journey! The thymus gland is the master gland of the body’s immune system. The thymus gland is located in the emotional energy center of the body. In fact, it’s often called the “heart’s protector.” It’s responsible, energetically, for regulating energy ow throughout the entire body. It’s affected most by emotions related to not feeling safe, feeling attacked by life or others, and the energy of being unprotected. The thymus is so powerful, and connected to the rest of the body’s energy system, that almost any block or imbalance throughout that system can be affected by working with it.

Thymus Test & Tap is a simple technique where we identify unprocessed or stuck emotions in the body, and then utilize tapping on the thymus gland in a specific pattern to release those emotions. We then install positive emotions to help support the complete integration and healing process.

The 3 Hearts Method

This technique I created, which consists of tracing heart patterns over the face in a specific way, is extremely powerful for releasing stored emotional energy associated with those incessant negative thoughts. While emotional processing happens in the brain, the expression of emotion is limited primarily to the face. Muscle movements that happen under the skin cause expressions. Certain facial expressions are associated with specific emotions. And emotions, as we know, are just energy. Because our cells and muscles have “memory,” it is logical that some of the energy that causes negative thinking could easily become stored in the place of the most expression.

Eden Energy Medicine

Founded by Donna Eden, Eden Energy Medicine aids in healing the body by activating its natural healing energies. According to Donna Eden, energy in the body runs in patterns. Her techniques can be used to change those patterns to create wellbeing and health.

Read more about Donna Eden’s system.

Ask and Receive

Founded by Sandi Radomski and Tom Altaffer, Ask and Receive is based on the concept that we all have a higher part of ourselves that knows how to heal. Ask and Receive is a subconscious release technique where you simply repeat certain statements that help ignite that part of us.

Ask and Receive works well to release limiting beliefs (usually in the subconscious mind) such as “It’s not safe to be well” or “I don’t deserve to release this anger.” These are major contributors as to why it may be hard to heal.

Other Tools

While I don’t consider the below tools “techniques,” I most definitely consider them a super integral part of my work. They get credit for some pretty awesome shifts in healing.

Metaphor Healing

One way I glean much of my information in order to help my clients, is to find metaphors in their emotional or physical symptoms. I believe our bodies are so intelligent; they are trying to talk to us all the time. I’ve become quite attuned to decoding the body’s symptoms and finding metaphors. This is something you can learn, too!


Intuition is probably my most valuable asset as a practitioner. It’s something hard to describe in words, but it’s a knowing I get while working with a client. Often, what I call an “intuitive hit” leads me to just the right place or words we need in our session. Things or words that just come to me during our work together always astounds clients – and sometimes me, too! Over the years, my medical intuition has become dramatically sharpened. I’ll always share whatever I get intuitively so we can use it to help you move forward even faster.

Muscle Testing: Getting Answers from the Subconscious Mind

Much research has revealed the power of our subconscious minds. The subconscious mind is like a human computer, recording everything that has happened in our lives. Through my studies, I have come to believe the subconscious mind knows exactly what is going on with us, and how we can heal from it. A modality called muscle testing is a great way to get that information and I use it often in sessions. I also teach my clients how to use this for themselves.


Discover 7 simple ways to start your emotional healing, now ... the no-overwhelm, Amy way

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"When life kicks your ass, kick-back." - Amy

As an ordained minister of holistic healing and energy therapy practitioner trained in energy psychology and energy medicine, I work with clients to balance the energies of their body in relationship to traumatic events, limiting beliefs and negative emotions that may be interfering with optimal well-being. I am not a licensed health care professional and my services do not in any way replace the care from health care professionals. My services do not in any way relate to medical and/or psychological clinical treatment and I do not diagnose or treat any diseases or disorders. All information provided on this site is based on my own experience and any of your own explorations with energy work should first be discussed with your licensed healthcare practitioner.